Predict Parkinson’s
Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder. Its most recognizable features are tremor and difficulty moving, but people with Parkinson’s also have a reduced ability to smell. They may also enact their dreams, even years before motor symptoms develop. By the time Parkinson’s is diagnosed, a large number of nerve cells have already been damaged or lost. The goal of our research is to identify those at highest risk for Parkinson’s Disease who would be ideal to treat early and prevent progression of the disease.
Canadian Sleep Society
The Canadian Sleep Society is a national organization committed to improving sleep for all Canadians through support for research, promotion of high-quality clinical care, education of professionals and the public, and advocacy for sleep and sleep disorders medicine.
Chronicle Herald News –
Researcher says definition of a good sleep depends on the sleeper.
CTV Evening News –
Maritimers struggle to cope with sleep apnea